Monday, July 14, 2014

Trying to describe the pain you feel from the loss of your dearest friend and helpmate in life: anything higher than 10?

If you knew Dianne, you may or may not have known that she had lived with chronic back pain (resulting from degenerative disc disease) for more than 25 years.  She was very good at masking the pain... and didn't like to complain or talk about her pain.

When she went to see her pain management doctor, she was always asked:  "How's your pain level today?"  She rarely answered "10", but when she did, I knew the pain was unbearable.

Yesterday, I was thinking about the kind of pain that I am feeling with the loss of Dianne, and I read this description written by a lady who had lost her husband:  "At times I could hardly breathe from the weight upon my chest."  

Yes, yes, that's it... a ton of grief carried on my chest!

In the same book, I read that "grief is like a river, and the journey is long.  No one can cross the river for you.  They may walk with you, encourage, or stand on the other side and call, but it's your journey and there is life on the other side."

And, on this journey, there are no shortcuts.  The last few days have definitely been "pain level 10" days.

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