Monday, November 3, 2014

How do we embrace God's purpose and provision in suffering? 25 classic and contemporary answers.

For any Christian going through mourning and grief... or a journey of pain and disappointment... I would recommend Be Still, My Soul, a collection of 25 classic and contemporary readings about the Christian experience with pain and suffering.

This is definitely not a "surface" read.  It's real meat for those who want to look directly in the face of tragedy and disappointment... for those who are asking the question: "Why is God allowing this in my life?"

I will share a few thoughts from one of the articles in the book, written by A.W. Tozer:

"It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply.

"Without doubt we of this generation have become too soft to scale great spiritual heights.  Salvation has come to mean deliverance from unpleasant things.  Our hymns and sermons create for us a religion of consolations and pleasantness.  

"We overlook the place of the thorns, the cross, and the blood."

If anyone is reading this article, and would like a copy of the book, but cannot afford to buy it right now... email me and I will send you a copy.

Thank you for joining with me on my journey through grief!

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